Karmina ŠILEC (SI)

Karmina Šilec has brought freshness and originality to the world of vocal music. With her concept “Choregie - vocal theatre” she has opened wider artistic spaces and set trends towards complex multi-media events. Her productions have been performed worldwide. She works as a stage director, a conductor, a vocal performer, a repertoire advisor and a choregie method trainer. She has received many awards on international competitions. She is the artistic director of Carmina Slovenica.

Leading the following workshop in EUROPA CANTAT Pécs:

Karmina ŠILEC (SI)
Vocal music in creative freedom! The 5 elements of the Choregie method: Motion (moving, dancing), Voice Exploratorium (vocalizing with extended vocal techniques), Sculpting (training of body and mind), Imaginating (laboratory of experience and improvisation as a practice of creativity) and Rituals.
See more >
Status: Full
Length: 7 days
final performance: Friday 31 July
Age: 16-27
Category: mixed youth
How to compose a concert programme for different occasions - Choice of good repertoire (round table discussion)
Karmina ŠILEC (SI)

This is a general problem for many choirs: how to decide on the repertoire, what order to put them in, etc. to make a nice and round concert for everyone.

Speakers: Maria van NIEUKERKEN (NL) 
Ambrož Čopi (SI)

Leader of CCP sessions:
Karmina ŠILEC Short bio
Start date of atelier: Saturday 01 August
12:00 - 13:00
Programme type: round table session