Milorad LONIC (RS)

Milorad Lonic is an expert in folk dance and choreography of folk dances. Since 1974 he was first a dancer, then the artistic leader of the folk dance ensembles, rewarded many times at national and internationals competitions and festivals, both for the dancing skills of his performers and for his choreographies.
He is also a founder of the largest School of folk dance in Novi Sad with 600 students, a lecturer-presenter at many seminars for choreographers in Serbia and abroad.
For decades he has been doing a research work in historical background of Balkan dances, ethno-choreological regions of the Serbian people, where he notes all the forgotten treasures, both songs and dances.

Leading the following workshop in EUROPA CANTAT Pécs:

Milorad LONIC (RS)Tamara Adamov Petijevic (RS) See more >
Start date of atelier: Monday 27 July
09:30 - 12:30