
Composer, singer, conductor, improviser. Originally from Bulgaria, grew up in Hungary, living and studying currently in The Netherlands. He obtained his first master degree in composition from Liszt Ferenc Music Academy Budapest (2009), and his second from The Royal Conservatory Den Haag (2012), where he is currently studying Classical Singing. Choir music is and has been always a major part of his musical life, both as singer (World Youth Choir, Tenso Europe Chamber Choir, etc) and composer. For his choral experimenting he recently received the Tenso Young Composers Award 2014. His opera, ‘Sinking’, was premiered by the Dutch National Opera Academy in 2013. His works exhibit a wide spectrum of genres and styles: from opera to oratorio, vocal to instrumental, songs, choir works, ensembles and solos, music theatre pieces, applied music for theatre and film.

Leading the following workshop in EUROPA CANTAT Pécs:

Georgi SZTOJANOV (HU/BG) See more >
Start date of atelier: Thursday 30 July
09:30 - 12:30